The Next Step?

So, I’ve been toying with the idea of getting an agent to represent me for a few years. This week I’ve decided to go for it. What held me back? The fact that I self published for one thing. Now I find out that some agents will take on self-published books. What also held meContinue reading “The Next Step?”

Writer’s Who Have Influenced Me

I hope to make this a regular on this blog. Today I’m featuring Mark Chadbourn and his Age of Misrule series. Mark Chadbourn was born in Ashby-de-la-Zouch which is in the Midlands of England. He comes from a long line of miners. He has a degree in economics, started his career as a journalist, andContinue reading “Writer’s Who Have Influenced Me”

The Picts and Tommy’s Tales

pic by Gary Gianni The first people who are mentioned by the Vikings as inhabiting Orkney are the Picts. This mysterious tribe or tribes are still a massive puzzle to archaeologists today. They left no written language, at least none that they can translate. However, they left carved stones and pillars across the islands andContinue reading “The Picts and Tommy’s Tales”

The Orkney Islands

Set in the magical Orkney Islands, Rousay is home to some stunning wildlife, including several rare breeds of bird. Together with its amazing scenery, and the vast number, and exceptional quality of historical sites, this makes the island of Rousay a fascinating tourist destination, offering a truely memorable experience for those who make this veryContinue reading “The Orkney Islands”

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